
Christoforos Charity Foundation (CCF) is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. We actively work to ensure that ourwebsite is accessible and usable by people of all abilities.

Accessibility guidelines

All pages of this website aim to conform to level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. These guidelines are the internationally recognised benchmark for building accessible websites.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities. Conformance with these guidelines also makes web content more user friendly for all people.

Web standards and technologies

This website has been built to comply with W3C standards for HTML and CSS.These technologies are relied upon throughout the site. The site displays correctly in all popular browsers, and degrades gracefully in older browsers.

In addition this website uses JavaScript and Flash. These technologies are notrelied upon and the website works fairly well without them.

Keyboard accessibility

Microsoft Windows users can enable the accessibility feature to move the mouse using their arrow keys by following the below steps.

  1. Click Start, Control
  2. Within the Control Panel open Accessibility Options or Ease of Access
  3. Click the "Change how your mouse works"
  4. Check the "Turn on Mouse Keys" check
  5. If you wish to increase the speed or change any other settings, click on the Settings button.
  6. Click Apply and then close out of the

After performing the above steps you will be able to used the numeric keypad asa mouse moving up, down, left, right, and all the diagonals. In addition, you may also use the center "5" key as a left click.

Note: You must have the Number lock on for this feature to work by default.

  • 8 is mouse-up
  • 4 mouse-left
  • 6 mouse-right
  • 5 mouse down
  • Keys 1,2 and 3 double up as Left-Click, Right-Click and Scroll-
  • 7 and 9 are used to scroll up and down


Known issues

At the time of writing there are a number of known issues on the CCF Charitywebsite. We will be working to resolve these over the coming months. Each of these issues has been identified below along with an estimation of when we hope to have resolved each issue.

  • Images do not always have appropriate alternative text. All images addedfrom January 2012 will adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines;


  • The HTML mark up generated by our CMS is not always semantically We are committed to working with our CMS vendor to address the issue;


  • Some of the images in use on the website (particularly graphs and charts) rely on perception of colour alone to be understood. We constantly reviewour pages and endeavour to rectify any instances of graphs or images notbeing accessible;


  • Some of the text on the website does not meet the minimum requiredcontrast ratio for double A level We have implemented a styleswitcher with a high contrast theme which resolves the issue;


  • Some of the images on the website contain text that may not beaccessible to people using assistive technologies such as screen readers. We aim to provide this information in alternative formats (wherever possible);


  • Groups of links have not always been marked up as list This can make it harder for people who use assistive technologies to skip over large blocks of links easily. We advise turning on "Mouse Keys" to assist withthis, information on this can be found above;


  • Some of the text used for links on the website is not sufficiently descriptive. From January 2012 we have used descriptive link text and work is ongoing to ensure that all links are suitably descriptive;


  • Some of the form fields on the website have not been correctly associated with their form labels. This can make it harder for people who use assistivetechnologies such as screen readers to identify the purpose of the form fields. We are committed to working with our CMS vendor to address the issue;


  • The human language of the pages (and subsections of some pages) on the website have not always been identified appropriately. This is likely to affect multi-lingual people who use assistive technologies such as screen readers. We are committed to working with our CMS vendor to address the issue.


Conformance date

This accessibility statement was issued on 3rd February 2023.

Contact information

We are continually working to maintain the accessibility of this website. If youexperience any problem accessing the site then please contact us at